
my buttons, let me show you them

Thing the first: Today was a SNOW DAY. It was fantastic. I made a big homemade breakfast and then just lounged around, doing various work-y and craft-y things. Very restful.

Thing the next: My recentest obsession is: buttons. They are neat! And cute! And useful! What's not to like? I had bought a random box of Ball jars at Walmart a while back, and just now realized that cute little jars make perfect cute little button containers.


Also, over Thanksgiving break on a random craft-store whim, I invested a total of $2.30 in two packs of "MAXANT Buttons To Cover" which promptly fell to the bottom of my travelling-back-to-Iowa bags. But not for long! Today, I made them! They are the AWESOME. They are maybe the easiest crafty thing to make ever (seriously: cut fabric into circle. push the whole dealy together. tada! button) and you can have buttons that match anything! So of course I made some that match nothing I actually need buttons for. But someday, they will be needed. I made tiny purple ones and not-so-tiny star print ones.


In other news (like say, knitting) I have been working like mad on Neaty! She is all sewn up! What's left: 31 ends to sew in ...GAHhh, and the left side buttonband to finish (once I get the yarn for it in the mail). I'm happy with the general cozy-ness of the yarn and sweater design, not so happy with the fact that the yarn estimates given in the pattern were WAY off. I am going to have used something like 80 more yards of contrast (trim) color than the pattern called for by the time this is all said and done. So warning if you're looking into this pattern, buy extra stuff, don't listen to the crazy Rowan pattern yarn-estimatey people, because clearly they're confused, just a bit.