

So... hi! I said I was starting a knitblog and here it is. Introduction in order, I guess, although if you made it here, you probably know me somehow. I'm Annie, I'm a grad student in pure mathematics, I'm trapped living in the deep-midwest but I travel far away whenever I get the chance, I could read books all day and not get sick of them (math texts excluded), and most importantly, I knit. I first picked up needles when I was about eight, and made a few... squares with lots of holes in them, mostly. Didn't knit much for awhile until sophomore year at college, when one of my RLAs started knitting as a hall activity. I slowly picked up steam, made a couple kneesocks and the ubiquitous cat-ear-hat, from Stitch&Bitch, an iPod cover, and most recently my first sweater, to name a few things. I think that sweater was the tipping point and now I'm obcessed. What I've currently got going: Rusted Root, Clessidra, another cat-hat, and a dishcloth. Pictures to come. Right now I've gotta run!

So count me into the ranks of the knitbloggers. Here goes!

1 comment:

Pat said...

Annie!! I found your knitting blog and it's awesome. I am so proud of you! Your knitting is amazing, you are my knitting idol! :) Pat (aka, your Mom)